My Fly Higher Mastermind is here!

I’m taking things up a notch, are you ready?

Who is my mastermind for?

  • Ambitious business owners who are running a business

  • Business owners who are ready to supercharge their sales

  • Business owners who are ready to take their business to the next level

I have been a part of masterminds and I have been running my own for the past two years. I have taken all of this knowledge and created a brand new mastermind!

‘Fly Higher’ is a sales mastermind, for people who want to take their sales to the next level, who are committed to unlocking their mindset to reach new heights.

You will be held accountable, you will learn new skills and you will without a doubt, make more sales.

So what are we going to dive into?

The mastermind will span 9 months and we will dive into:-

  • Your mindset and how to unleash your inner sales person

  • The strategy behind your business

  • Your marketing and what is working to bring in new leads

  • Your social media strategy for lead generation

  • Your sales strategy

  • Your upsell

  • Your systems and processes

  • Your customer service and values

  • Your mission and your growth

On top of all the trainings I will be delivering on a monthly basis you will also get

  • Welcome gift

    You will get a welcome gift at the beginning of the mastermind

  • 1-2-1 with me

    You'll get two, one hour 1-2-1 sessions with me which can be used at any point during the mastermind

  • 1-2-1 with Davina

    A one hour 1-2-1 with Davina to look at the tech behind your sales processes

  • Dedicated mindfulness coach

    To unlock your beliefs, what is holding you back and give you tools to look after your mental health along your business journey

  • Dedicated social media coach

    To help you nail your messaging and your social media to get those sales in

  • Two in person mastermind days

    One at the beginning of the mastermind and one at the end, giving you a chance to really connect with your fellow masterminders

  • Glitter and Goals

    Each masterminder will be invited to my Christmas in person event ‘Glitter and Goals’ on Thursday 24th November

  • Guest experts

    Guest experts will be brought in along the way

My training will cover

  • Unleashing your inner sales person

  • Make sure your messaging does your sales for you

  • Mastering your marketing so your messaging is getting out there in a much bigger way than ever before

  • Planning your sales strategy

  • Creating a close plan for all of the sales in your business

  • Developing a suite of offerings at every level for your business

  • Creating habits that put you in the top 10% of sales people across the board

  • Teaching you my superpowers and cheat codes for creating more sales

  • Making sure your sales methods ensure that customers keep on coming back for more

My mastermind will give you the skills and tools to grow and scale your business, if you unlock the door to a great sales process and strategy the world will be your oyster.

Sales will come to you easily, and you will then be able to grow and scale your business to make it exactly what you want it to be.

Don't just take my word for it!

Amy Hastings

"I’ve loved being part of Charlie’s mastermind! She is like a fountain of knowledge when it comes to business and sales..having her ‘eyes on my business’ has helped it grow so much in the past 6 months. My sales have quadrupled and my group has grown to over 6000 members. Not only that though, I feel like I’ve made a group of genuine friends - I know we’ll carry on supporting each other way after the mastermind has finished ❤️"

How to Get Better at Selling Masterclass