So you want to franchise your business but you don’t know where to start? You feel overwhelmed and have heard it could cost you thousands!!

Well stop right there as I'm bringing you ‘Successful Franchising’ - a step by step guide to franchising your business.

This six week course will take you from confused about franchising to ready to franchise your business.


I walk through the process step by step, create a plan for your franchise success, give you my top secret tips on how to make your franchise amazing, and a formula for sales success too! 


Week 1 - An introduction to franchising 

Week 2 - Process and systems for franchising 


Week 3 - Your offering and the competition 


Week 4 - Creating a plan for your franchise

Week 5 
- How to sell your franchises


Week 6 - Marketing, advertising and strategy as a franchisor 


By the end of the course you will feel confident and have a plan for franchising your business!


My franchise story

Phonics with Robot Reg was born in January 2016 with my sister Alex. After just six months we decided to franchise the business, we had created an opportunity to work flexibly around our young children and we recognised an opportunity for other women to do this across the UK whilst growing our own business too. 

We hired a franchise consultant, the whole process seemed complicated and VERY expensive! Two meetings in, we decided to drop the consultant and figure it out on our own, and we realised it wasn’t too complicated at all! 

We started the process of franchising in September 2016 just six months after we opened our business and franchised in January 2017 when our business was just a year old. 


We are now the leading phonics franchise in the UK. Our franchise success has seen us expand our classes across the UK, we spent a month in Australia franchising our business over there and had the opportunity to take our families with us. We have won multiple awards, and been invited to events and raised money for charity, the best thing is we’ve done all of this whilst being there for our young children. 


Last year we decided to add a sister company ‘Counting Kids’ which offers preschool maths classes, we made the brave decision to launch this company as a franchise from the beginning, and so our 6 pilot franchisees prepare to launch their classes this week. 


We have helped lots of business owners franchise their businesses, and I'm so excited to be running my franchise course again to show you that franchising your business doesn’t need to be difficult. 


Don't just take my word for it - Lauren Elliott from Music Monsters shares her franchise story with you!

Franchising our Music Monster classes was a pie-in-the-sky dream for us. It was on our ‘one day’ list, but wasn’t actually something we had given any serious thought to. After completing Charlie’s goal-setting challenge last October, we realised this was all about mindset! Why not now? We had a successful business, with all processes tweaked and perfected, and we wanted to grow across the UK - this was the way to do it. We had hit our ceiling of the number of students we could reach within our area, and this was the next step for us. We enlisted Charlie’s help as she has so much experiencing franchising her own business. She helped us to form a plan, with real and actionable things that we needed to do. She was realistic with us about the amount of work involved, but so supportive and encouraging along the way. Within 6 months, we had everything we needed to run a successful pilot scheme, and we now have 2 new branch owners on board with us - and another going through as we speak! Charlie has helped us every step of the way, from understanding legal requirements, to refining our franchise call presentation - she has gone above and beyond all the way! Our number one goal for Music Monsters is to make music education accessible to all children and, with Charlie’s help, we now have a plan to achieve this across the UK. It has been life-changing for us, and something we never thought we would be able to achieve - least of all during a global pandemic!

About Charlie

Charlie Day is a multi award winning entrepreneur, she has built three children activities businesses from the ground up. Charlie and her sister launched pre-school classes (Phonics with Robot Reg) which started in a village hall and now has 50 franchisees internationally within three years.  They have now added a pre-school Maths sister company ‘Counting Kids’ which they launched as a franchise in 2021.


In 2019, at just 31, Charlie won Young Entrepreneur of the Year Essex, her efforts have been praised by Theo Paphitis when she won Small Business Sunday.  Charlie has been featured in Elite Franchising, The Guardian Series and The Independent.


Charlie now teaches mums in business that they can do it all!  How to grow and scale their business whilst working flexibly around their children.  She is the host of The Entrepreneurs Growth Club podcast, a top business podcast.   She also runs Charlie Day Sales to help mums in business reach their true potential.


If you are looking for Charlie you’ll usually find her in Costa drinking an Americano, or in Disneyland with her husband and five year old Ernie!

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